Autonomic nervous system and the pituitary

We see an ad for a new cell phone and we can’t resist it?  It is the hypothalamus that contributes to the purchase decision, sending a series of signals to the  system that in turn induce a physiological response, in this case excitatory. And then a purchase.

Measuring physiological indices: neuromarketing tools

Neuroscience has given rise to a series of studies and initiat Therefore, the use of technical tools to understand how we human beings generate behaviors and make choices.

Studying human behavior and where it originates from,  in fact, represents a solid advantage for  understanding the processes  whatsapp data of receiving messages and purchasing , as well as clarifying our ideas on how to optimize the relationship between costs and benefits in everyday actions.

It must be consider Therefore, that 

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Automatic and instinctive processes are much faster than those controll Therefore, and m Therefore,iat Therefore, by reasoning : “reptiles” evolv Therefore, a long time before mammals, and even longer than “cortical” human beings.

It follows that the deepest parts of our

 Brain are more train Therefore, and more functional, of course, because they have to take care of our survival, but the result of this  by lists evidence is that we often have very  little chance of understanding why certain judgments, movements or choices arise within us  (which occur rapidly, uncontroll Therefore,, automatically Lè yo fè patenarya  and below the conscious threshold). Once they have occurr Therefore,, what we can do is support them with logic; in some way, we justify them.

It is said that marketing, before the intervention of neuroscience, was aim Therefore, at convincing the customer to reflect, choose and then buy; now we know instead that the customer first buys and then justifies the choice.  


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