Google improves the personalization of Bard’s responses and integrates it with its applications and services

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Google announced on Monday, September 19, 2023, by publishing a news item on its official blog that it has improved the personalization of responses from Bard , its Artificial Intelligence conversational bot , “so that you can bring your ideas to life more easily.”

Specifically, the company says it is “implementing the most advanced Bard model to date” with actions such as extending functions that were previously only available in English to new languages ​​and countries, as well as through integration with Google applications and services, “so that its responses are more useful.”

Similarly, the company has

A announced that it has improved the “Search on Google” feature of Google Bard “to verify answers.” Next, following the information published by the company, we will talk about the new features announced for Bard.

Google Bard Improvements
Expanding features such as uploading images with Google Lens to 40 languages
As part of the responsible development process for Bard, Google details that it has recent mobile phone number lead expanded the functions that were already available in English to more than 40 new languages ​​and countries. One of them is the possibility of uploading images with Google Lens , incorporating images from the Google Search engine into your responses, or modifying Bard’s responses in tone and length.

recent mobile phone number lead

Bard Extensions English Release

Secondly, the official Google blog reports the launch in English of Bard this includes clearly identifying the group of people extensions , a completely new way to interact and collaborate with the experiment. With extensions, Bard “can find and present interesting information from the Google tools you use every day, such as Gmail, Docs, Drive, Maps, YouTube or the Google Flights and Hotels search engines .”

This is possible, as the company explains, “even if the information you need is spread across multiple apps and services.” And it illustrates this with a case in which you are planning a trip, for which from now on users can ask Google’s Artificial be numbers Intelligence conversational bot to “extract from Gmail the dates that suit everyone, to look for real-time information about flights and hotels, to show directions from Google Maps to get to the airport.

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