The Power of WhatsApp Interactive Messages

Finding the perfect way to engage potential customers is a challenge a lot of businesses struggle with today. SMS is too binary while email campaigns are overused and often ignored due to inbox clutter. Users want a quick and simple way to communicate their needs while businesses want a cost-effective and automated conversion process.

WhatsApp interactive messages work in favor of both parties. They offer WhatsApp API users the perfect opportunity to create a response-based telegram blast messaging flow to get users to take action.

WhatsApp interactive messages explained

telegram blast

Small buttons that offer great results – this is the best way to sum up WhatsApp Interactive Messages, and a large part of what makes them the future of customer engagement. They are a combination of text, media, and call-to-action buttons that automate interaction with customers while ensuring personalization and WhatsApp Interactive Messages clarity.

This WhatsApp Business API feature enables users to create and send messages that customers can reply to by selecting one of the 10 social media trends for 2024 pre-defined responses.

What are the different types of  WhatsApp Interactive Messages available to WhatsApp API users?

By creating an account with 360dialog, you can sale lead create any of the following interactive messages on WhatsApp:

WhatsApp List Messages

With a 98% open rate, WhatsApp is reshaping the digital marketing landscape. A case study conducted by the Carrefour group in 2022 showed that they had a 35% higher engagement rate with WhatsApp audiences than with email audiences.

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