Toby Leger CEO, Business Owner, President

contact name: Toby Leger
contact job function details: ceo business
contact job function: business_development

contact job title: CEO, Business Owner, President

contact job seniority: owner

contact person city: Lake Charles

contact person state: Louisiana

contact person country: United States

contact person zip code:

business name: InfoTECH Solutions, LLC

business domain:

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

denmark phone number data

business angellist:

business found year: 2003

business city: Lake Charles

business zip code: 70601

business state: Louisiana

business country: United States

business language:

business employee: 9

business category: information technology & services

business specialty: citrix xenapp hosting, accounting software hosting, managed cloud backups, virtual desktops, business continuity, technology consulting, server support, network security, cybersecurity, microsoft office 365, computer support, citrix xenapp hosting microsoft office 365 application hosting virtual desktops accounting software hosting technology consulting ip phone systems managed cloud backups network security business continuity, application hosting, ip phone systems, information technology and services

business technology: outlook,office_365,autotask,hubspot,youtube,livechat,google_analytics,mobile_friendly

zara tisch founder and

business description: Server@Work delivers remote and onsite computer support, network support, server support, and cloud hosted solutions including virtual desktops and servers




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