why are they needed and how to use them correctly

This is a chain of links that shows a person the path he took to reach a specific page of the site. Using these links, he can quickly return to a section or several back. Such links are usually placed at the top of the page and look something like this:

What are breadcrumbs

where children threw crumbs to email data  return home on them? Here the meaning is approximately the same, so the analogy in the name is quite logical. By the way, they are called this way not only in Russian. In English, this type of navigation is also called breadcrumbs. Why do we need bread crumbs? First of all, they will be useful for large sites with a complex structure. For example, a store with a large number of

products and categories.

email data

After all, a person can easily get confused in endless sections and subsections. But such a navigation element can also be used on news sites, forums, blogs and other resources.  There is only one case where you shouldn’t add them: if you have a small site with a small number of nesting levels. For example, you only have the main page, a page with a description of the service, and a section

Why do they have such a strange fare de la sekcio de name? Remember the fairy tale with contacts. In this case, additional links will only distract the user.  Here are three key points that ensure that breadcrumbs have a positive impact on SEO:  Improving usability Breadcrumbs provide a better way to navigate the site. A simplified structure immediately appears before a person’s eyes, he

sees how far he has already climbed c phone number and can quickly return back. All this helps to increase conversion. Imagine that a person immediately went from a search to a product card of a specific laser printer. But it did not suit him for some parameters. Then the user can quickly return to the section with other laser printers using breadcrumbs, look at other laser printers of the same brand, or even go to the section.

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