Popular social networks and their key features

All popular social networks have their own unique characteristics, specifics and audience features. To effectively use each of them, it is necessary to understand the preferences of users, technical and other details of the chosen platform.


Facebook is one of the “oldest” social networks special database with a very large and diverse audience. It supports many formats: text posts, photos, videos, and live broadcasts. As a rule, the content here causes active interaction. And flexible targeting settings allow you to effectively promote to a specific audience. At the same time, it is worth remembering that Facebook’s target audience is people age 25-34.

X.com (Twitter)

special database

The platform is popular among users who follow news, social events, and technology. For owners of basic accounts, the message size is limited to 280 characters, and you can add photos, videos, GIF animations, and other media files. Built-in advertising tools allow you to promote tweets, accounts, and trends to attract an audience. Many Ukrainian brands are already represent on the platform, but Western companies are especially active.


One of the most popular social networks comment trouver facilement des e-mails sur linkedin in the modern world with a multi-million, mostly young and active audience. Instagram now supports many content formats: photos, videos, Stories and Reels. The social network also has flexible settings for target advertising, which allow you to easily launch an advertising campaign directly from the application. But for more precise and flexible settings, it is recommend to use Facebook Ads Manager.


TikTok attracts a young and active audience. Being aqb directory one of the fastest growing social networks in the world today. The short video format has become popular with users. It is great for both lifestyle videos or storytelling, and for advertising, which many brands use. TikTok focuses on personalization and has some of the best recommendation algorithms. Therefore, high-quality and interesting content (even advertising) can get huge coverage in a short time.

KPI in social networks – basic metrics

Comprehensive promotion in social networks has long become more professional. It is no longer enough to simply count the number of views and reactions to understand how successful your work is.

Collection and analysis of advance statistics allows you to evaluate. How accurately you have chosen a promotion strategy, whether you have found your audience. To evaluate work in social networks, it is important to monitor several groups of KPI: engagement, coverage and conversion indicators. We will tell you how to calculate them below.

How to evaluate engagement

These metrics reflect the interest of the target audience in the content. First of all, they collect data on the number of views, reactions, comments. With their help, you can calculate additional indicators:

  • Engagement rate is the ratio of the number of reactions to the total number of followers. It demonstrates the level of audience activity and can be calculate for a single post or average data for a period of time is taken;
  • The distribution rate is the share of reposts out of the total number of reactions. This will help you find out how often the content is shard further;
  • virality level – helps to identify publications that quickly become popular and begin to spread regardless of your actions (this phenomenon is call “going viral”).

How to evaluate reach

Reach metrics reflect how widely your content is distribute. Metrics are calculate base on the number of subscribers, unique visitors, and some other data. Audience reach can be organic (for such users, your publication will appear in the feed without payment from you) and paid (accordingly, users are attracte with the help of advertising).

The following KPIs are use to assess audience reach:

  • Post reach — the percentage of subscribers who have seen a particular post. This indicator shows what part of the audience is active;
  • Target audience growth rate — an increase in the number of subscribers over a certain period of time. This is how they find out how quickly they attract new users;
  • Share of voice – the percentage of brand mentions compared to mentions of competitors over a given period.

What Conversion Metrics Show

Conversion rates reflect the final goals: the number of requests, purchases, subscriptions, etc. They directly affect the income that SMM promotion in social networks brings. The key metrics are the conversion rate and clickability. The first shows how many users converted into clients after viewing the post. And the second displays the number of users who responded to the call to action.

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