What is backend and how is it different from frontend? Basic principles of both web development areas Webpromo Blog

We are used to the fact that most applications and websites process huge amounts of data every day and provide uninterrupted operation for millions of users. But what ensures their stable and fast operation? The answer is simple: a powerful server infrastructure, which is developed and supported by backend developers. Today we will talk about the backend, as well as the differences between it and the frontend.

What is backend

What is a backend?
Backend is the server part of an application asia mobile number list or website that is responsible for data processing, work logic, and interaction with databases.

The backend cannot function without three main components:

A server is a physical or virtual computer that is constantly running and waiting for requests from user browsers.
An application or website is software that runs on a server and contains business logic. It is written using server-side programming languages ​​and frameworks (ready-made sets of tools and libraries that provide a standard structure for creating web products).
A database is a storage of information that a web product interacts with. They store all the data needed for an application or website to work: from user accounts to the content of web pages.
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Cases and Examples



What is frontend and how is it different from backend?
Frontend is the part of a web product that the user directly interacts with. This is what is displayed in the browser when a certain page is opened.
The main difference between frontend and backend is their role and place in the architecture of a web product. Frontend is responsible for data presentation and user interaction, while backend is involved in data processing, storage, and management.

If you imagine a web product as an iceberg, then the frontend (user interface) is its visible part, and the backend is the hidden underwater part that ensures the stability and functionality of the entire system.


How do backend and frontend interact with each other?
Interaction between the frontend and backend usually occurs through the API and looks like an

algorithm of sequential actions

The process triggers user  actions on how to select crm software for b2b business the frontend. For example, when a user clicks a button to get information, the frontend makes a request to the backend. This request is often made using AJAX technology or the fetch API in JavaScript.
The backend receives the request, processes it, performs the necessary operations (for example, a database query), and generates a response. This response is usually sent in JSON or XML format.
The frontend receives a response from the backend and updates the user interface according to the received data. This may be displaying new information, updating a list of items, or changing the state of the application or site.
Modern technologies allow for a persistent bw lists connection between the client and the server, allowing for instantaneous data exchange in real time. A good example is WebSockets, which allow for a persistent two-way connection between the browser and the server. Unlike a standard HTTP request, where the client must initiate each request, WebSockets provide a persistent connection, allowing both parties to exchange data in real time without repeated requests.

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