Complete Information, Courses, Job Prospects

Who has a hobby of dancing or is interested in dance? This article is perfect for you. This dance education major can produce graduates with primary competence as teachers. In addition, there are also many job prospects that you can choose from.

Still curious about what the dance arts education major is like? Let’s take a peek at the article about studying in the dance arts education major starting from the definition to the following campus recommendations!

What is the Dance Arts Education Department?

The dance education department is one of the study programs that are widely available at universities. This dance education department studies the art of dance which includes dance theory and practice, dance history, and how to teach dance.

If you take this major, you will learn various dance styles ranging from traditional to modern dance and learn how to create dance choreography.

After graduating from the dance arts education department, you can have the skills to teach dance in schools or become a dancer at events that are needed.

Courses and Lectures in the Dance Arts Education Department

The main course in the dance arts education department is studying dance, a movement that can be done both individually and in groups.

Furthermore, courses in the dance arts education department usually discuss the history of dance, dance techniques, dance theory, and various types of dance that exist.

The courses in this department aim to provide students with an understanding of dance, while also developing their dancing skills. So, if you  database shop continue to the dance arts education study program, you will not only practice, but will also be taught in detail through theory first.

From this, students will gain basic knowledge and skills in dance, and can develop creativity and imagination in creating dance works.

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Reasons for Choosing a Dance Arts Education Major

After reading some of the explanations about studying dance arts education above, maybe some of you are still not completely sure about continuing your studies in this major, well, here we will explain the reasons for taking dance arts education.

  1. Sharpen artistic skills and creativity
  2. Have the opportunity to dive straight into the world of dance performances
  3. Gain knowledge about the history, theory and techniques of dance.
  4. Have the opportunity to work in fields such as performance, teaching, and dance production.
  5. Be part of a creative and innovative dance arts community

Job Prospects for Dance Arts Education Majors

Dance art can be said to seo for manufacturing companies: a guide to getting found online  be quite needed by many people. There are many events that require dancers to fill the event, such as weddings, festivals, birthdays, television shows, even international events are often needed.

Moreover, traditional dances are highly valued and needed to preserve and introduce Indonesian dances more widely to foreigners.

Well , here are the job prospects that you can make your career goals after graduating from the dance arts education department:

  1. Musical show, you can be a player in a show that combines music, drama, and dance that is performed live. Usually musical shows are based on a story or theme that is presented through dialogue.
  2. Theater, this job prospect is not much different in concept from musical performances.
  3. Dance teachers, as experts in the field of dance, have in-depth knowledge in theory, technique and history of dance, and are able to teach and create quality dance works.
  4. Backup dancers, this time are tasked with dancing in the background as a complement to a performance.
  5. Choreographer, a person who creates aleartnews  d ance movements in a performance, starting from the technique, style, and concept of dance to create a beautiful and interesting work to watch. Responsible for training.
  6. Actor, a person who plays a role in a theatrical performance or film.
  7. Artistic director, the head of the artistic department in an organization, usually a theater or performance. Responsible for selecting the works of art to be performed, managing the artistic team, and ensuring the quality of the performances to be presented.

Campuses with the Best Dance Arts Education Departments

How ? Starting to be interested in entering the dance arts education department? If so, one of the campuses that provides the best dance arts education department is UNNES. UNNES is one of the best state universities in Semarang.

The dance arts education department will provide education and training to students in the field of traditional and modern dance. UNNES has produced many successful graduates in the world of art or entertainment.

The dance arts education department at UNNES has been accredited A and you will get a BA degree if you have successfully graduated from this department.

The vision and mission developed by the dance arts education department is to produce graduates with primary competencies as dance arts teachers at various levels of education with supporting competencies in the field of dance arts development.

More info

Also read: Check out the secret reasons why you should study at UNNES

Tuition Payment in the Dance Arts Education Department at UNNES with Danacita

That’s the most complete explanation about the dance arts education major that you can understand. Want to continue your education in the UNNES dance arts education major but still confused because of the cost? Just use Danacita.

Danacita is a financial technology company that has collaborated with UNNES in providing affordable education financing for students. By applying for financing to UNNES, you can pay for college in installments starting from 6 to 24 months so that it is much lighter.

In addition to UNNES, Danacita has also collaborated with 130 other educational institutions spread throughout Indonesia. The application process to Danacita is easy and online with a maximum of 2 working days.

You do not need to be burdened with DP, security deposit or other costs so that it does not burden you to be able to continue your dream by studying in the dance arts education department. In addition, Danacita is also licensed and supervised by OJK so it is definitely safe and secure.

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