How much does an SMM specialist earn?

The cost of remuneration for an SMM specialist depends on many factors: qualifications, experience, knowledge of foreign languages, productivity, business specifics, etc.

A junior specialist can earn from 10 to 20 thousand

Hryvnias in Ukraine. But it all depends on the skills of the employee. In each profession there is a “minimum” mark and an approximate “maximum”. High-level specialists can earn 70,000 hryvnias.

An SMM specialist will increase in value

As his expertise increases – either in general or in a specific category. The price of services  croatia mobile database will also increase if the employee is given more responsibility for the work. And most importantly – it is important to learn to combine the client’s business tasks with your work.

The key point of the price of a specialist is

Understanding how to post something on social networks in a way that benefits the business. It is important to understand that working on social networks does not always have to bring sales. There are many other ways to connect business tasks with posting. And not all businesses the main principles that shape digital marketing  need sales. In the SMM industry, this is normal, because the specialist can perform other tasks.

What to read and where to study as an SMM specialist?

The profession of an SMM specialist is developing, so knowledge needs to be updated. In ws database addition, you can find material in various thematic communities, c hannels, expert blogs, etc.

The life hack is actually very simple. If you see any questions or active discussions on a topic in a chat or community of colleagues, look for additional information about it in other sources and critically filter the information.

You can also follow bloggers. They also shape trends and gather an audience around them.

And some tips from Daria Salnikova .

First , gain knowledge about marketing. Why do I emphasize this so much? Because it can really help you. Regardless of new trends and changes, marketing fundamentals will give you a clear understanding of what to do next. With this foundation, any trend will not be scary, because you will be able to fit it into your paradigm and marketing strategy.

Second , keep up with new products and trends, learn regularly, and develop your “sight-seeing skills.” It’s simple: watch what your competitors, trendsetters, and trends are doing on platforms like TikTok. Many jokes, trends, and memes are now born there. It’s also important to determine what area of ​​activity you enjoy the most and focus on it.

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