Christmas as a success story: strategies start much earlier!

As the end of the year Christmas as a success approaches, it is natural for companies to focus their efforts on Christmas advertising and promotions, selling magic and togetherness along with lots of bottles of Coca-Cola and Truffled Panettones. How can Christmas as a success  you use such a common date to make a difference?

Christmas is a Christian holiday that has been embraced by the market as a success story. However, it is difficult to develop strategies when you cannot speak directly to children, as we discussed last week.

Because of this, each brand has a Christmas as a success  different strategy to address these market changes and align them with advertising and the date in general. Whether it’s through advertising, different packaging, different target audiences, etc. There are several options, but you can’t let the date go by unnoticed – the public is eager to buy!

O Boticário: true Christmas movies!

Strong brands like Coca-Cola and O Boticário tend to invest heavily in marketing, but launch few new and original products. Therefore, their advertisements focus mainly on reaffirming their positioning and brand presence.

Coca-Cola sells happiness and family unity, and O Boticário has taken on the diversity case for itself, with real short films released at the end of the year. This tradition of long television commercials hits the audience in the heart, as they sell the moral objectives of Christmas of peace, family and brotherhood as a whole.

Other brands such as Cacau Show and Nestlé sell their seasonal products, such as panettone and sweets that can be real gifts for December 25th. In addition, the Brazilian Christmas profile is different from that of the United States. Since we do not have Thanksgiving, Christmas ends up being the date that represents the whole family coming together at the same dinner table.

What does your audience want to consume, after all?

But the strategies go beyond that, and depend on what your target audience wants to consume. Netflix, for example, starts filming several Christmas romantic comedy films at the beginning of the year, as well as distributing Hallmark films – the result of intensive audience research that defined the profile of the content to be consumed. Therefore, it is important to conduct regular research and understand what your audience wants to consume, without missing any topics along the way.

With that in mind, it is important to remember that Christmas is not just about selling products and running various promotions. The date celebrates much more than that and, despite religious beliefs or not, it has always sold friendship, unity and family as core values, something that can be linked to your product or brand when creating an advertisement or campaign.

Metrics: Christmas is on the internet!

Online shopping is expected to account for 45% of sales this Christmas . Therefore, it is important to be where your target audience is, whether in person or virtually on some digital sales network. In addition, 83% of the public says they will compare prices online before actually buying a product or gift.

Design trends are also important for better monitoring and recognition by the target audience. This Christmas 2023, two trends are leading the world of Christmas design. Earthy and sandy tones evoke nostalgia, while green and red tones are classic.

Assertive Christmas campaigns

Therefore! it is important to focus your ! efforts on an assertive campaign that! depending on your target audience! can promote and increase! sales of a specific seasonal product. And a brand doesn’t just live on Christmas! it is good to remember other seasonal dates in advance. Easter! Children’s Day and other commercial dates can also be worth the effort – depending on the service you offer.

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