Do not download and upload again

Please note ! The license you receive to make a duet or stitch on TikTok or a remix on Instagram or YouTube, always concerns the use of that content within that same platform. You really have to make such a remix with the app of the platform itself. So you are not allowed to download the content, edit it in another app, and then upload it again. These licenses do not offer that space. You then work outside the possibilities and settings of the app.

This is partly because by downloading and re-uploading, the link to the original creator disappears. Adding a name and/or tag and/or mention is unfortunately not enough to solve it again.

What is permitted by law?

What if the terms and conditions of the platforms are not sufficient? For example, because you want to be able to edit buy telemarketing dataexternally or because you found an old blooper in the depths of YouTube, but would like to post it on TikTok? Then you cannot use the permission via the licenses of the social media channels. So you have to rely on the openings that the law offers. The Copyright Act, in particular.

The Copyright Act prohibits you from making copies. So you’re not even allowed to download those videos. Let alone tinker with them.

But there are exceptions

Quotation law
Like the right to quote, to be able to discuss something. Then your own addition should be a reaction to what you use. But that is precisely what you are not south africa numbers doing, because you are emphasizing your own company, service or product. That is therefore written off.

Also read: The TikTok trend of the moment: Brazilian marketing . Do not download and upload again Parody
The parody then perhaps? The idea of ​​these Brazilian marketing videos is after all that it is funny. The blooper itself is that and the coronation of charles iii  you continue on that. Could be. It is important that the reputation of the original creator is not damaged by it. You also have to prevent the risk of confusion. In other words: viewers must not get the idea that the blooper and your addition come from the same creator.

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