Guide to writing well on WordPress

 WordPress is undoubtly the most us platform for writing web content. Many blogs and websites use it, however not all users necessarily master the keys to SEO using this tool. Here are some tips for writing a good article on WordPress.

Subtitles and images in SEO writing

The main title or h1 level title is phone number library automatically present as such on WordPress. There is no ne to do anything. However, subtitles must adopt the Subtitle format to be interpret by search engines. This will involve underlining the text and putting it in Title 2 mode. Making it bold or underlining it without selecting this option will have no effect. It could even affect SEO. Inde, Google crawls the title and subtitles before moving on to the body of the text: if these elements are not highlight, it will be difficult to improve your web positioning.


phone number library

The same goes for images, they play an essential role in the success of SEO writing . An image or an infographic can provide more information than a long text, hence the importance of highlighting it well on WordPress. You must therefore fill in the Title, Alternative Text and Description fields, ensuring that they contain keywords relat to the theme of the article. Not only are Google bots able to “read” images if they are well optimiz, but SEO on Google Images can also be of great help.

Layout and spelling

Layout is an essential element for a to have satisfi therefore and happy customers you successful user experience. It gives a good visual impression and makes it easier to navigate within content. If the article has a nice layout, the user will want to read it. It is therefore important to limit line breaks to certain areas of the text on WordPress, but you must also ensure that the formatting of the text is adapt to the message you want to convey, to the style of the blog, but above all to the target audience.

When it comes to spelling, it is clean email certainly not necessary to specify what to do or not. A spelling mistake reflects a lack of seriousness and can strongly affect the cribility as well as the SEO of the content. Google inde favors the quality of the user experience and content with many mistakes is anything but qualitative. You should therefore not hesitate to call on a proofreader or a good spell checker to avoid this type of error. Writing content for the web should not be taken lightly and, if WordPress is the most us article creation tool, it is also important to perfectly master its features.


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