How to create content for social

Hello! This is Masha Kondratenko, the author of “Let’s Do It”. Today we are answering your questions again.

We were asked:

“Guys, how would you recommend creating content for social networks if the client has an extremely diverse target audience?

Example: a health food store sells food for vegetarians, vegans, those losing weight on different diets and those simply maintaining health. All segments buy approximately equally. But some are against meat, others are against milk and sugar, others are for protein, others are detoxing, everyone has their own

gurus and their own values”

When the target audience has whatsapp data different interests, it’s not bad — they can be played up in content almost endlessly. But, on the other hand, it’s important not to offend anyone with this content and to cover the needs of all segments of the target audience.

We have come up with three options that you can test depending on your capabilities: budget, team and time.

Let’s go through each one separately.

whatsapp data

Table of contents
Create a community for each segment of the target audience
Find a theme that unites all segments
Create content for each segment, but don’t clash opposing ideas
Create a community for each segment of the target audience
If you have enough budget, hands and enthusiasm, you can create a separate community for each segment. But in your example there are quite a lot of segments, and then you will have to breed an infinite number of groups. It is better to highlight several main areas of similar interests. For example:

is a community for vegans, vegetarians and raw foodists.
Nutrition for weight loss is a community for those who are losing weight on different diets or detoxing.
Healthy Lifestyle and Proper Nutrition is a community for those who are into protein, monitor their health, don’t eat sugar, and so on.
If your budget and team allow, you can create three groups in all social networks at once. If you don’t have much money, don’t spread yourself too thin. Determine which social networks your target audience prefers.

Look for competitor groups and thematic communities in different social networks, compare the reach and engagement in each. In VK, you can do this using the service. In Facebook and Instagram, use the Audience Statistics tool, which is available in the business account. Choose a couple of social networks where the audience is most active, and focus on them.

In our blog we tell how small businesses can manage social networks to earn money, not likes.

When you conduct an audience analysis, it interne kommunikation: strategien und tools für ein unternehmen  may turn out that one of your target audience groups is active in a certain social network. Take advantage of this and distribute your audience across different social networks. For example, an Instagram account can be made for vegans, and a VK group for those who are generally for a healthy lifestyle.

Find a theme that unites all segments
You can find a topic that will be interesting to all segments and, based on it, publish content in one group. To do this, make a list of the needs of each segment of the target audience and find intersections.

For example, let’s take vegans, those losing weight, and those who are simply for a healthy lifestyle. Each of these groups has a need: to buy products to cook healthy dishes from them. Surely, all of them will be interested in learning recipes for dishes with ingredients from your store. Along the way, you can tell how a certain product will be useful for each segment of the target audience.

For example, how they do it at VkusVill:

Create content for each alb directory  segment, but don’t clash opposing ideas
You can unite the entire audience in one community and publish content there taking into account the values ​​of each segment. The main thing is not to clash the interests of two different audiences and not to oppress anyone.

For example, you publish a post on the topic of vegetarianism. Then you shouldn’t make headlines like “10 reasons to give up meat right now” and write about the destruction of animals. This way, you will either completely alienate meat-eating clients, or they will come running to write angry comments. Filter the content and its presentation so as not to offend anyone and not to push for a certain idea.

Here are examples of neutral publications:

Social Networking for Big Bird
Social Networking for Big Bird
Here’s another example of a good social media post from health food store How to Green:

Create a content plan that will take into account the interests of each segment of the target audience. For example, on Monday, a guide to counting calories is published. On Tuesday, advice on giving up sugar. On Wednesday, a post about what vegetarians can replace meat with. And so on.

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