For several years, the LV2 or second modern language has been chosen from the 5th grade in France. In LV1 or LV2, English is compulsory, but what about other languages? What is the right choice of second modern language to make during your school career?
First of all, it is important not to fall into prejudices and say to yourself “my child is bad at languages” qatar email list or child choose “languages are not his thing”. Languages become fascinating when we are interest! in the culture they convey. There is at least one foreign language made for everyone.
Here is our little practical guide to choosing the language best suit! to your child’s desires and ne!s.
Spanish: the most accessible and widespread language
As you probably already know, after English, Spanish is the favorite language of middle school students. It is a cousin of French: there are therefore great similarities between the two. It is quite easy and quick to acquire the basics of Spanish, but it becomes a more complex language when it comes to mastering it perfectly.
Spanish is the official language in 21 countries and it is one of the most spoken in the the coronation of charles iii world. Learning this language will allow you to travel, communicate with different people and discover new cultures!
Our advice: if your child wants to focus mainly on learning English and simply wants to acquire some ba leads notions in an additional language, Spanish will surely be the best choice ¡Vamos!
Italian: the language to stand out in an original way
Italian is also a cousin language of French and has the advantage of being read as it is written. It is therefore easy for a French person to learn it, even if it requires rigor and assiduity. It is worth knowing that nowadays, knowing how to speak Italian and knowing the cultural and economic characteristics of this country is something that is increasingly sought after by employers, particularly in sectors such as tourism, the automobile industry or even fashion!
Our advice: an alternative to Spanish to be preferr! when possible and which will allow your child to stand out in an original way. Also, it is often recommend! to dyslexic students to facilitate reading.