How to Select the Right Database for Your Direct Marketing Campaign

Any direct marketing campaign worth its salt must begin with a good foundation. In the world of marketing, the foundation is the database that the company chooses to send the campaign from. With a good database, everything runs smoother.

Everything that comes after is important, but if the database is not of quality it can ruin the effort of design, platform, delivery, etc. Today we tell you how to choose a quality database.

The 5 keys to a database for marketing

If you are looking for a quality database to start as soon as possible, you should take into account the following points:

Unification: It is vital that the database you select is unified . It should be in a single file and created by a single data manager. This will help you find errors and ensure that data is not repeated between files.
Personalization: In today’s marketing, it is almost essential to personalize specific database by industry campaigns. You can only do this if the database you choose is designed for your type of business. If you choose a good list broker, they will guide you in selecting a specific database focused on your needs.
Updating: Users change their home, car, marital status, province or job constantly. It is important that the database you choose is kept up to date and audited from time to time. This will help to reduce the level of incorrect contacts.

specific database by industry

Segmentation: there is no other option

The database must be segmented . The more, the better. This will save ກາຍເປັນຜູ້ນໍາທີ່ດີຂຶ້ນຜ່ານວິກິດການ you a lot of time and will be an almost smooth road to the success of your campaign. Take advantage of database segmentation to further personalize campaigns.
Security: Having an audited and secure database will save you a lot of headaches, time and money. Make sure it complies with the current GDPR and that your contacts have given consent twice. Otherwise you could face some pretty serious fines.
If you choose a database based on these key points, we can assure you that you america email will have a good foundation for your direct marketing campaign.