Instructions for accounting for account 113 according to Circular 200

According to Circular 200, how is account 113 – Cash in transit accounted for? Please find the answer in the following article of MISA MeInvoice .

Note: You can see more about other accounting  israel telegram data accounts in the accounting system in the article see more

See more: Accounting system according to the latest circular 200

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1. Accounting principles of account 113 – Cash in transit

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2. Structure and content of account 113 – Cash in transit

3. Accounting method for some main the use of the membership application  transactions of account 113 – Cash in transit
3.1. Collect sales proceeds, customer debts or other income in cash or check deposited directly into the Bank (not through the fund) but have not yet received a credit notice from the Bank
3.2. Cash withdrawal to deposit in Bank but have not received the Bank’s credit notice
3.3. Processed money transfer from bank account to pay  bw lists creditor but has not received debt notice from bank
3.4. The customer prepaid for the purchase by check, the business has deposited the check in the bank but has not received the bank’s credit notice.
3.5. The bank reports that the money has been transferred to the business’s deposit account.
3.6. Bank reports debit for amounts being transferred to sellers and service providers
3.7. For money being transferred in foreign currency

1. Accounting principles of account 113 – Cash in transit

account 113 money in transit

Account 113 is an account used to reflect the amounts of money that an enterprise has paid to the Bank, the State Treasury, sent by post to transfer to the Bank but has not received a credit notice , paid to another enterprise or completed procedures to transfer money from an account at the Bank to pay to another enterprise but has not received a debit notice or bank statement.

Money in transit of account 113 includes Vietnamese currency and foreign currency in transit in the following cases:

– Collect cash or check directly into the Bank;

– Transfer money via post office to pay other businesses;

– Collect sales proceeds and transfer them directly to the Treasury to pay taxes (a three-way transfer of money between the business, the buyer and the State Treasury).

2. Structure and content of account 113 – Cash in transit

The Debit side includes:

– Cash or checks in Vietnamese currency or foreign currency that have been deposited in the Bank or sent by post to be transferred to the Bank but have not received a credit notice

– Exchange rate difference due to revaluation of foreign currency balances in transit at the reporting time.

The Parties include:

– Amount transferred to account 112 – Bank deposit, or related account;

– Exchange rate difference due to revaluation of foreign currency balances in transit at the reporting time.

Debit Balance:

– Funds still in transit at the time of reporting.

There are 2 sub-accounts under Account 113 – Cash in transit:

– Account 1131 – Vietnamese currency: Reflects the amount of Vietnamese currency being transferred.

– Account 1132 – Foreign currency: Reflects the amount of foreign currency being transferred.

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