It is better to focus on measurable advantages

You know the synonyms, the essence does not change. This is a “catchphrase”, nothing more. Evaluate the difference between the following two USP options: We have the best hookahs; We have craft tobacco with 50 rich, smoky flavors to choose from. Which option do you like? Many would avoid the first one, because there are “the best hookahs” at every step, but hand-made tobacco (craft), smokiness and 50+ flavors are intriguing. And you should go once, the main thing is to think through the further sales funnel – you will need to bring the person back and make him a regular visitor to the establishment (50 flavors that you want to try can greatly contribute to this).


 Create a USP for your website Website address.

How many cliches are there in your lebanon phone number library  sentence? Let’s count together: Prompt delivery + synonyms. Low price. Certified professionals. The service is excellent. …. The list can go on for hours. and minimize the amount of water. Mention the availability of a 30% discount until 18:00 on the entire bill and the possibility of renting a hookah, VIP zones with a deposit of 500 hryvnia per company, and so on. Attractively, without water, emphasizes the advantages.


 Internet Marketing We create a system.

lebanon phone number library

Of interaction of various promotion tools, the synergy of which leads to excellent results. We will develop a mechanism for running your business on the Internet. Get a consultation Our manager will contact you shortly. Submit request False USPs Let’s go back to the commodity business, for simplicity of explanation. Let’s say you sell smartphones, with a 14-day return guarantee. There is a law that requires any seller of equipment to do this. What is the unique selling proposition here? Or you offer “fresh coffee”. How can it be stale? Such the focus of search intent is to provide  an advantage over your business neighbors.


 Lack of understanding of the target audience.

Do you know your target audience yeezy 350 boost v2s  by sight? No? Too bad! Creating a USP based on personal experience is a bad idea. Your goal is to sell to people, not to yourself. Conduct a survey among old clients, ask your friends for their opinions – use all available methods to obtain valuable information. “WE” …or immodesty. A very fine line between “we know what you need” and the buyer leaving to visit a competitor. We recommend demonstrating to the person what you can give, since no one in the target audience is interested in how great you are, at least in the USP.

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