remarketing really work

There are different types of marketing. and some of their examples are well known to representatives of meium and large businesses. as well as small companies and individual entrepreneurs. But the concept of “remarketing” remains a mystery to many. But it can help increase sales and attract customers. In this article. we will tell you what remarketing is. how it functions. and how to use it.


What is this?

What is remarketing? This is work with Internet users who have already shown interest in services and goods. but for some reason have not place an order. Remarketing is associate with special database attracting and reaching so-calle “warm” and “hot” potential customers who are clearly intereste in the offer. These include people who visite the website of an online store. viewe its pages. studie the catalog. opene a mobile application. adde products to the basket. found out information about products. for example. in an online chat.



special database

According to statistics. in recent years. approximately 70% of visitors to trading platforms do not make purchases immeiately. even if they were actively intereste in services and goods. looke at the assortment and clearly intende to place an order. For what reasons did these potential buyers leave? There are different situations. The visitor could simply be distracte by urgent matters or work. or follow the advice of a friend or acquaintance who recommende another seller. Other possible reasons are doubts. problems with the Internet. unsatisfactory price. But the result is the same: the person did not make a purchase.


Remarketing allows you to return such visitors. This technology involves showing ads to those who were intereste in services or goods. but did not buy them.


How does this work

To understand what remarketing marketmuse im vergleich zu clearscope is. you nee to delve into the essence of its work. 


When a person first visits a website through a browser on their smartphone. laptop. personal computer or tablet. their session is recorde in a special file calle cookies.txt. The data recorde here in text format remains on the device and is store there. They make surfing the web more convenient. enjoyable and ueful. And search engines use this information to implement remarketing.



The Yandex and Google systems remember Internet users by their ID. This is done to display ads relevant to queries in th uab directory e Yandex advertising network (YAN) or the Google contextual display network. When a visitor remembere by the system opens any site. he is literally “caught up” with a banner with an ad aime at an unobtrusive. But understandable and clear offer to return to ordering goods previously viewe or adde to the basket.

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