6 Copywriting Myths: Stop Making Excuses and Write Stunning Copy!

However, you need to know that a large part of copywriting is based on patterns and writing templates. In most cases, solid texts written by someone with good skills and knowledge of the market and sales techniques work better than texts written by a future Nobel Prize winner or a visionary with abstract and overly creative thinking.

Sure, some people are more predisposed to it, others less so. Fluency in using words is important in copywriting, but it is also a skill that comes with time. Some won it in the genetic lottery, others acquired it relatively quickly, and others had to spend more time mastering it. A professional copywriter is not defined by the amount of effort needed to reach a certain level, but by extensive knowledge of

copywriting and the ability to use it

You can’t avoid SEO if you’re a copywriter, but don’t make it your primary or only skill. Don’t brag to your clients about writing texts so good that Google falls at your feet. Most of them have already abandoned the belief that the best text is the one that ranks high and generates organic traffic. What good is it if a potential buyer visits your client’s website if it doesn’t bring them any profit?

In fact, when you create any text, you write for people, not for machines and algorithms. They are not the ones who pay in online stores and they are not the ones who use the services of your customers. Only people have money, and you have to reach them.

Of course, you can’t ignore SEO, but remember that it’s more than just keywords and automated writing according to a single pattern, and organic traffic can be created in many ways. Moreover, Google itself is increasingly appreciating the quality of texts.

You’ve probably met clients who want to fill their site with the right amount of content. There’s often a belief that good blog copy needs to be between 3,000 and 4,000 characters with spaces, and an expert article at least 5,000.

Meanwhile, a good text has as many characters as it should have to exhaust the topic. And not a character more. Longer copy is sometimes useful and brings some SEO benefits, but it must be justified by both the scope of information and the reader’s profile. You will use a different length when describing the benefits of consuming honey, and a different one in the case of an expert text about replacing

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Find out in advance what your readers expect. A long text must contain a lot of useful information, and not repeat the same things over and over.

Absolutely not. So don’t be discouraged if your text doesn’t contribute to stunning sales effects and doesn’t make your recent mobile phone number lead  client a market leader.

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The text itself, even the best written one, doesn’t have that much power – in addition to that, a well-developed marketing strategy, filling the page with content, advertising activities, and even the appearance of the page where your text lands are also necessary.

myths about copywriting
Even the best sales copy is  Защо мобилният маркетинг е толкова важен? just the cherry on the cake, the crowning achievement of all your actions. Without it, you won’t achieve satisfactory results, but you also can’t base all your actions on it. So reject this false myth about copywriting and try to constantly expand your skills. A good copy will defend itself.


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Copywriting is the art of talking about advantages and hiding disadvantages
Not always. It’s great if you know how to use the language of benefits, but the products or services you describe are not without flaws and will not work in every case. Describing them in superlatives can give the impression that it is not  aleart news a real offer, but rather a sale at a fair, where the seller is aggressively praising the product despite its very low quality.

In addition, by over-praising the product, you leave the potential buyer with the impression that they have no choice. Meanwhile, a conscious customer needs this choice very much. Good copywriting must give them the impression of having it – push them towards the purchase, but gently, almost imperceptibly.

Brilliant texts are great! They are very pleasant to read, often making you smile because of a witty play on words or an interesting cultural reference. The problem is that such license can be allowed with impunity in advertisements of big brands.