A key employee is leaving the

What to do if your godlike copywriter. Whose texts are so effective that they can hardly resurrect the dead. Decides to change his field of activity tomorrow: let him go in peace to conquer a new path or keep

him in the company with all possible forces?

At the same time. You know that he has already whatsapp data  spoken about his desire to stop writing commercial texts. But the quality has always remained high.

Leaving aside the contractual component, which may indicate that he does not have the right to leave so quickly, in this situation you will remain an employer who cannot and does not want to lose such a valuable specialist, at least not so quickly, or will you let the talent go in search of a new craft?

Yana, hi.

Well, first of all, you already mentioned the contract. You can write this down in advance and the person will be obliged to work for you for a certain amount of time. Another thing is that the quality of such work will be below average and you can forget about these divine healing texts. Such texts are usually not written under duress. And if a person decides to “get out”, then he will spend the remaining 2 weeks on

YouTube or Headhunter. And not delving into the marketing subtleties of your clients.

whatsapp data

If there is no motivation, there will be no work. Of course, unless your golden copywriter also has hypertrophied responsibility and integrity. But then check if he turns water into wine at dinner.

It all depends on how much your company is tied to this person’s texts. If he is the one and only, if he is carrying all the key projects and main clients, then you probably have no choice – you will have to promise mountains of gold and banks of jelly.

Your man has decided to change his line of work, so interesting tasks, additional responsibility, certificates, diplomas, public praise and other perks aimed at the ego will not be enough here.

To prevent this from happening. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

We know how difficult it is to find a good remarketing really work  author . We always have 10-15 excellent performers on hand. But at the same time, we are constantly looking for new ones. Moreover, we select performers of different levels – for current, medium-importance and especially important projects. We pay the best ones more, and train, prompt and develop the rest.

It is an ongoing process.

If you asked such a question, most likely, this process is suffering greatly and it is worth reviewing and debugging it in the near future.

As practice shows, a good author can be aleart news  found in 2 weeks, so you can either just ask your unicorn to stay a little longer, or raise his fee, and in the meantime find someone else.

In any case, you cannot build work around a single performer.

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